Who is Fusion

Who we are

We are a team of dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to ensure that critical infrastructure like UPS systems, air conditioners and generators are installed right and never stop working.

We have brought together the best in qualified technical and engineering talent and molded them into an effective and trustworthy team that our customers rely on to keep their organisations ticking.

We support customers and sites all over Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.

We have over 3,000 assets of critical infrastructure under management, and we would love to have yours.


We believe that empathising with our customers gives us insight on how to serve them best.

We believe that providing excellence at all times is the only minimum standard.

We believe that operating with integrity and trust is the foundation of all good relationships.

We believe in making good, no matter the cost.


Fusion was formed in a modest office at Port Melbourne with three employees.

Initially Fusion focused on supplying UPS systems, the core power system backing up data centres. But where there is power there is heat, and it wasn’t long before air conditioning systems were added to the mix. This continued and soon Fusion was supplying all the parts that go into making up a data centre like generators, security systems, fire suppression systems and more.

In 2013 Fusion was ranked number 7 in BRWs Australia’s fasted growing businesses, a comforting sign that the right thing was being done.

But our customers demanded more.

Soon after technicians were added to the team pool and Fusion started providing maintenance services. Never happy with the status quo Fusion quickly initiated creative innovations to improve the maintenance service experience – the legacy of which customer still enjoy today.

Now Fusion has employees working all over Australia and the pacific region, supporting hundreds of clients and thousands of pieces of equipment.

We are not resting on our achievements. There is still more to be done, and better ways to do them. The journey has just begun.

In 2022 Fusion was re-organised into Fusion Energy Group Pty Ltd.

Expert support and services

Managing your complex technology environment whether via internal resources or multiple supplier support can be a challenge. From day to day planned operational asset maintenance and management through to critical response to unplanned events and outages, it is all packaged with inherent administrative issues, cost fluctuations and risks.

Fusion Power Systems is more than just a single touch point for maintenance, service and critical response. We deliver support for a broader range of sophisticated IT and infrastructure service management functions, supported by our unique 24/7 online portal monitoring service, Fusion Pulse. The specialist, experienced team at Fusion Power Systems backed by the immediate notifications and information delivered by Fusion Pulse ensures your business experiences minimal downtime, improved productivity and overall cost savings.

With Fusion Power Systems Integrated Services Support you can overcome that challenge, be completely informed and in control whilst improving service outcomes for your business and your customers. We will deliver the high-quality, consistent service you demand and in turn manage your risk more effectively.

Diverse client base

Our diverse client base across Australia, New Zealand and the pacific region trusts us because we are a knowledgeable and flexible partner. We can be relied on to fulfil your maintenance requirements. Drawing on our extensive experience, we can advise on best practice and act to safeguard your reputation by ensuring that your maintenance requirements runs smoothly and that the results are accurate and transparent.
